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Bruce's Recent Galleries

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11-Nov-2006 10:19
the game...
:: the game... ::
12-Sep-2006 15:41
A few...
:: A few... ::
11-Sep-2006 02:13
Young....and the old.
:: Young....and the old. ::
10-Sep-2006 02:43
:: Miscellaneous ::
25-Jul-2006 18:21
rediscovered....on the hard drive
:: rediscovered....on the hard drive ::
08-Jul-2006 17:41
:: Portraits ::
15-Apr-2006 17:03
Sick Child
:: Sick Child ::
16-Mar-2006 14:09
Portraiture in India
:: Portraiture in India ::
07-Mar-2006 01:12
Mirror on the wall
:: Mirror on the wall ::
03-Mar-2006 16:24
Station portraits...
:: Station portraits... ::
23-Jan-2006 14:33
:: Mumbai... ::
07-Jan-2006 13:18
Sugar cane harvesters...
:: Sugar cane harvesters... ::