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John Potter | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Katrina Goebel 13-Jul-2013 01:52
I am a local art student just returning from a semester abroad in Italy. I am currently interning with KH Art and Framing. Kenny told me to contact you. For my internship I am organizing an exhibit with art inspired by my travels in Italy. I noticed your photographs of the Mask Maker. Would you be interested in submitting your work? The exhibit will be running from July 27 to August 3. You can contact me at
Almost every artist has ventured to Italy and returned with their interpretations of the culture. It’s time to recall the culture that spends as much time eating as at mass.
fara105-Jan-2012 17:47
Hi it was a pleasure to see some of your galleries as i could see the real pro touch. Well done and hope to see more hidden treasure in the future. Regards. Faramarz.

dan07-Nov-2011 09:43
toutes tes galeries sont magnifiques par les couleur, les lumières, l'émotion...Que dire?
Un grand BRAVO et merci pour le partage des photos
Guest 18-Oct-2011 21:13
I look forward to viewing your work at the Swedenborg Church of the Holy City in Washington DC.
Roland24-Sep-2011 22:36
John, I just want to say that I think your panorama of Florence is fantastic.
Everything about it, composition, lighting, clarity, etc is spot on. Well done.
Gale Perry 22-Jul-2011 02:37
I can't thank you enough for finding me on FB and allowing me to look through your lens. I can only aspire to create the magnificence that you see in this world. I have spent over an hour looking at your galleries and your Carnivale and dance shots are awe inspiring. I am also now in love with Bologna and can't wait to go there. Who knew? Thank you, thank you, thank you for this visual and emotional treat. You are Carnival God in my book.

thank you my new friend,
Gale Perry
Peter Sussex24-Dec-2010 14:30
Dar John,

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you everything on your wish list. May you have a very Happy and Healthy New Year too!
Michel Duval05-Sep-2010 10:25
Hi John,
Very nice galleries. It's a pleasure to them.
Best regards
sherwood frazier29-Nov-2009 05:14
Hi John, great gallery of NH. I live in the Lakes Region (Laconia) just south of where you did a lot of your shots. There is no bad time of the year to be shooting pictures of this beautiful state, but fall is the most colorful. I will be looking forward to more shots from your trip, take care and enjoy the holidays. Sherwood
lorand15-Aug-2009 15:26
Hi John!
Thanks for visiting my galleries an for your nice comment.
Best regards,
David Flohr 19-Apr-2009 04:33 them!!! lunch soon....
fiery_angel01-Jan-2009 02:33
There's just so much inspiration from your galleries.
very very nice.

thanks for dropping by my galleries.
Happy New Year.
Mike Crowle10-Nov-2008 23:32
John, many thanks for visiting my galleries and for your kind comment. I hope the Cornwall landscape photos brought back some fond memories for you.
Eliane02-Nov-2008 10:00
I travelled in magic galleris , galleris from which on would not like to come back ,
Hope reed you soon .

rene hoff22-Jul-2008 15:36
Hello John
Best regards
Very Nice galerie, remender my the good time in Venezia !
Sue31-May-2008 23:10
Wonderful photography with beautiful colors and composition.

Another John Potter from Michigan.
Danielle GOGLY 19-Apr-2008 20:29
Merci pour ces superbes photos. Certaines photos me rapellent l'Argentine et surtout lorsque l'on descend vers la Patagonie.(ce voyage je ne l'oublirais jamais, tellement les montagnes et ses couleurs sont belles. Je me glisserai bien dans un petit coin de ta valise.
lorand09-Feb-2008 17:11
Hi John!
Thanks for your nice comment on my gallery.
Best Regards,
Christian Lallier06-Feb-2008 11:04
Thanks for the great moments in Venice
johnebones27-Feb-2007 05:31
John ! How are you doing ?

I pretty much stopped taking photographs right after our collaboration
(a couple of years ago ??) Instead, I've been having fun playing around
with image editing for the last few months but its an ENORMOUS waste of time !

Totally addicting, but a waste of time.I'm pretty much done with that now,
and its time to move on to something else.

Drop me a line at and let me know how you're doing.
Guest 14-Nov-2006 15:46
You're a great storyteller. It's refreshing to see how you can speak through your photos.
Faye White19-Sep-2006 01:12
So good to see your work again and thank you for your comment! I will be checking in here on a regular basis!
Charlotte Rose 11-Jul-2005 22:31
I love the pictures! Especially the photographs of the graduation. So nice and wholesome. And the soccer photographs -- AMAZING. I felt like I was right there on the sidelines! Go Yorktown.
Pam 25-Jun-2005 18:37
Mahalo, Thank you, for sharing your awesome photos of the HB graduation. That night went by so quickly for me and viewing them now is great. Great photo of my daughter, Celeste presenting leis to fellow classmates, Matt and Sacha! I'm sending my family in Hawaii this link so that they can also check it out. Best Wishes to Sacha and thanks again. PS: Do you recall the second song the teachers sang...
John Potter02-Apr-2005 21:07
I could get you a copy of the CD from last year's games

John Potter
Alex Brazell 02-Apr-2005 20:26
i was curious if i could either get a copy of that CD or get the pictures somehow from years past. Also, you guys are lookin good this season...BRING HOME THE TROPHY!
John Potter11-Mar-2005 02:43
Web space. I have them on a CD. Note...this years are up, beginning with the Langley scrimmage.
Guest 10-Mar-2005 19:11
why'd you take down all the yorktown pictures from the past
EPSwayze 15-Oct-2004 21:43
John P! What an dazzling display of all my father's party folks--you are a wonderful story teller with your camera and a dab hand at characterizing people with the lense! I feel like I was there and certainly saw many that I know well and love better.

J3's eldest daughter
PrankstaGangsta 07-Jul-2004 16:06
Wow! These are really tight. Your are great with a camera. Watch out, next year I'll have better jokes.
ricecake12-Jun-2004 03:22
I saw your self portrait today (and liked it) and clicked on your other galleries - you are a remarkable photographer. I enjoyed my visit.
Uwe 17-Sep-2003 21:52
Hello John,
Great art!! Stumbled on your site while searching for for an old time friend who was also a surrealist artist. Just wondering if you are the same John. Uwe from Ottawa.
Roger Hitchner30-Jul-2003 17:22
Enjoyed all your photographs, particularly those of Gothia Cup. The Bethesda Phoenix went over last year (see You may recognize one Yorktown girl in the group.

Guest 11-Oct-2002 01:24
John, you have a lot of beautiful pictures. It is amazing what you can do with your camera!
Tim 15-Apr-2002 21:03
Hi Mr. Potter ir's me Tim O'Toole from the Scorpions I love the gallery you have for the scorps. Send me mail when new pictures go up thank.
John Potter28-Mar-2002 20:10
Hi! I used a Sony DSC F505V. Last October I bought a Sony DSCF707 and that does just as well, if not better because it has a three shot burst which gives you a bit more leeway with the timing. Hope this helps.
John Potter
caroline 27-Mar-2002 19:41
Can you please email me and let me know which camera you used for "the clash" - your 6th place winner in the contest??? I'm trying to find a camera to take action shots of my 5 year old doing sports. Thanks