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Beverly 27-May-2012 15:37
Jon, found your site by looking for info on Ylang tree I'm planting on my acre in the Central Valley, Costa Rica. I'm about 3500 ft high on ridge over looking valley, been here 4 l/2 years with my wonderful dog. Your photos are exceptional. I enjoyed looking at them and thinking about my little place in Naples, Florida.
Take care
Cynthia Pierson 07-Oct-2009 00:04
I was wondering if u still have the truck and a number i could reach you by
Geoff 17-Aug-2009 01:05
Jon, call me regarding the '82 Ford F150 Pickup.
I would like to know the history of the truck, how much mileage is on the original truck before the new engine was installed, and why? What is the VIN so I can check the history? I would like to talk to your mechanic and have more information about the new engine warranty? Has the trans or rear end been serviced or replaced? How is the 4W drive?

You mentioned a price of $5600. Can you do better on the price? I am interested but have to fly down from Detroit. Are you open to offers? Do you have a clear title to the truck?

You also mentioned light rust. Where is it located and is it surface rust? Has the body ever had a rust problem? Please include a list of mechanical and electrical repairs that have been done. Any major body work that has been done.

I would like a photo of the interior. The pic #7 shows a cover over the seats. Can you send an interior shot, or two?

I would like to hear from you regarding these questions and proceed from there.

I can also be reached at (734) 676 3987.

Thank you.
Bob Barry 01-Sep-2008 15:23
Hey Jon... Too bad that we couldn't get you down here to Panama for our recent "Flight for Life" world record event. You would have loved it, and your photography expertise would have helped us out. But check out the kind of photos you would have been taking by looking at our "Gallery" section on
Guest 13-Jun-2007 14:50
I'm jealous of how good you are.
Guest 26-Nov-2006 16:05
Thank you for this. It's wonderful.
Bob Barry 06-Aug-2006 13:14
Jon... I just checked in to see what had been added since my last "visit". I think you need to come back down to Panama and let's get some good pics here at the Villa (, as well as some more cloud forest, lowland rain forest, and rocky coastal cliffs. I'm still using your pics from last visit.
tomr-photos03-Dec-2005 00:35
I saw your comment at "jimcb's" fractal gallery. Interesting what you said about photographers in general. There are a lot of subjects that can make almost any photographer look good, and I wish I could visit some of those places, but I find it to be quite a bit of fun at times to find something most people would pass by and make IT look good. There is a joy to be had finding subjects "hiding in plain sight".