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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase The offering of the stick Moki week 2 Day 13 DSC_6045.jpg
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pbase The offering of the stick Moki week 2 Day 13 DSC_6045.jpg

So Moki did the puppy crazy running in circles at mach 5 in the back yard.
Java is very confused over these turn of events - he does not know what to make
of this now 14 to 15 pounds that has turned his world upside down.

Java is putting up with a lot.

Moki has stole his pig.

Moki get everyone up at 2 or 3 am in the morning. I think that he very smart and very determined.

Moke pulls his leash all the time on walk.

So today, Java got a large stick brought it over to moki and let him have it.

Just sat watching at a safe distance away.

Nikon D300
1/320s f/2.8 at 55.0mm iso500 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time14-Jun-2008 05:59:43
ModelNIKON D300
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length55 mm
Exposure Time1/320 sec
ISO Equivalent500
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist16-Jun-2008 04:37
Nice moment.
Johnny JAG15-Jun-2008 20:44
Anything for a quiet life, eh Java?
kenindfw15-Jun-2008 12:32
Nice capture. v
Sheila15-Jun-2008 03:30
If you can't beat them, join them. Well, it's starting to happen.
laine8215-Jun-2008 02:53
I expect Java to shrug shoulders any minute !!
Bryan Murahashi14-Jun-2008 16:47
Fabulous shot of the watchful Java.
royalld14-Jun-2008 14:49
Java is smart. He is easing into to his mentoring role a little at a time.
Karen Stuebing14-Jun-2008 12:43
LOL at Java. It's the doggie equivalent of turning on Sesame Street to keep the kid quiet. And oh no, tell me Moki didn't steal his pig. Is nothing sacred? Great capture and I'm really enjoying the adventures of these two.