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Josh Bornstein | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 09-Jul-2015 22:10
Fantastic work. Your Black & White images were clearly printing in a darkroom. They are so beautiful. Do you sell these prints? At what website? Are you showing in any galleries in London?
Ginger 11-Mar-2015 01:51
Hi! Beautiful work!
articwind 06-Dec-2011 23:34
Dear Josh! You are the most talented photograpfer i have ever met in my life!!! Many thanks for your masterpieces of art!
Jaymee 14-Jul-2010 10:04
Breathtaking and quite spectacular-you have an amazing gift...thanks for sharing.

Luko G.-R.07-Jun-2010 10:30
Lovely lith prints, I really enjoyed looking at your galleries. Glad to see people using that so rewarding and spectacular technique (although it's such a pain in the neck I have now stopped, myself... ;))) ...)
Toadstool 12-May-2010 10:00
Your trips are amazing. How do you manage to get to so many places to shoot? I can just go through your galleries for hours. I'm jealous. Great Work!
Guest 20-Jun-2007 18:48
Keep moving forward. I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:54
One of the best galleries on pbase thus far.
Bunny S. 17-Jul-2006 14:30
!Josh, you have so many great photos in your gallery, I still cannot decide which ones I like best. Himbas and the angkor wat are just amazing. I totally agree with John and Debra, you REALLY should sell that to magazins like National Geographic.

How about some more black and white photos? I liked you b+w works very much, give us MOOOORE :-)
Wendy O29-Jun-2006 14:53
Wow! Do you ever stay home? Amazing adventures, I've spent my morning absorbed in your travels. Thanks for sharing all these (and thanks for visiting my galleries).
Grady Mankin04-Jun-2006 19:16
Great work in many locales, Josh. I agree with John & Debra that "the best of these pictures" are very marketable. I voted and added your galleries to a global 20D topic I just started putting together. I look forward to returning to your galleries time and time again!
Regards, Grady
john and debra 05-Feb-2006 20:23
It was a joy meeting you in Krakow, and again in Ljubljana. Your photographs were so much better than you said...don't be so modest. If you take the best of these pictures, you should market them to some of the travel magazines. Easily as good as most of the ones I have seen published.
Connie 05-Feb-2006 20:21
You have such a good eye for detail. You have been living my dream, traveling to all those countries. Thanks for the inspiration.
Cameron 18-Jan-2006 07:23
Thank you for capturing these images.
Cam, Brisbane, Australia
C 11-Jan-2006 03:01
Absolutely stunning!
All the stories that you emailed home came flooding back...
Lori Mayfield 10-Jan-2006 19:58
Nice work! Wow, you really have canvassed the globe.

lori Mayfield, Los Angeles, California