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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2008 > pbase Moki outing to visit the boat Week 2 Day 14 DSC_6068.jpg
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pbase Moki outing to visit the boat Week 2 Day 14 DSC_6068.jpg

This boat has yet to leave the beach for the past year. it is now becoming part of the vegetation. Abandoned on the beach in Tiverton.

Today was Moki first car trip to take photographs. He was NOT happy, but still had a great time at Coastal Roaster where everyone came over to say hi to Moki and Java.

Happy Father's day Jack!!

Nikon D300
1/200s f/4.5 at 55.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW25-Jun-2008 20:55
Wonderful beach shot. I imagine you will make alot of new friends walking Moki around!
royalld16-Jun-2008 23:35
Very nicely composed.
Johnny JAG15-Jun-2008 20:42
Nice composition and colour.
Gayle P. Clement15-Jun-2008 17:55
I'm with Mindy. The colors, textures and composition are super.
Mindy McNaugher15-Jun-2008 13:40
Gorgeous composition, textures and colors! Love it! Vote!